Alexander Technique lessons / workshops

SLOW WORK–OUT, a work–out with gravity

In accordance with the Alexander Technique principles
Heard of Slow Cooking? Well now there is Slow Work-Out!
Tired of straining, stressing, huffing and puffing at the gym? Worrying about posture and tension. Not sure how to move safely and well?
Why not get acquainted with yourself again in a different capacity?
Ever thought to listen to the genesis of your entire self?
Are you looking for self-balance and equilibrium?
If so, then this may be just the thing for you!
Here are some of the operational ideas behind the Alexander Technique:
  • The way we react and use ourselves as a whole affects the quality and way that we function in our daily lives
  • To see yourself, the individual, as a complete and harmonious entity, all the parts working in coordination with each other as one
  • Reclaiming our natural governance and gracefulness in motion. What we have covered up with habit
  • The unblocking and reestablishing of awareness and proprioception as a sensory skill for every day life, to avoid injury and pain
  • Practising giving ourselves choice by consciously pausing and refraining to act impulsively
  • Self-directing pathways to balance and coordination
  • Rediscovering personal dignity by prioritizing what is most supportive for ourselves while we work
  • Trusting and allowing the integrity and intelligence of our innate selves to shine

"How?" You may say.

The above concepts are to be explored through simple movement structures. They will expose our relationship and play with gravity. We will use the floor, wall and working together to see the way we work with gravity. As the technique encourages minimum effort for maximum results, often the structures taught are very detailed and layered. They might involve one in Alexander’s positions of mechanical advantage; such as the monkey or lunge (which is a kind of squat), which can be done with the aid of the wall, floor or working with one another. What the Alexander work looks at is the how you are functioning before you go to do and of getting into the monkey, then what’s happening while you're there (no bananas) and then subsequently a return to a self–balancing state. If you are into multi-tasking, the technique builds on this ability by adding constant challenges to the task at hand. This may be done by adding a releasing of the jaw or even of a soft sound to encourage coordination between breath and movement. The creative interaction between doing and non-doing lies at the core of the work, something that can seem quite alien in our contemporary life.

Lessons and Workshops Given by Timothy Gordon

Private and group sessions can be tailored to suit particular requirements. Introductory workshops are available by appointment. Please feel free to make enquiries.

Please refer to for current 4-week course and workshops.

Mobile phone: 021 1603098